We personalize clinical research engagement and recruitment.
We provide participant support that facilitates engagement and study completion.
We will leverage technology to identify participants and understand care and outcomes utilization patterns.
We optimize study designs to make it more user-friendly.
Empowered Study Partners
Simplified and Intentional Clinical Research Recruitment and Support
While Revolutionizing Research Inclusivity
We understand that conducting decentralized clinical research studies can be complex and challenging, and streamlined processes and support are essential for success in meeting people where they are. At PEP!IN, we leverage innovative communications, marketing, and engagement strategies to streamline the clinical research recruitment process and provide enhanced participant support in enrollment. Our study design and management solutions ensure that studies are optimized for success while maintaining scientific and regulatory compliance with industry standards for quality. Our services provide peace of mind and confidence to our clients.
Our Services
These Services Are Tailored To Address Your Needs
Patients & Study Volunteers
Advocacy Groups
CRO Site Managers & Study Coordinators
Academic Medical Centers
Consumer Health Companies
Tech Companies Entering Into Patient Recruitment
Recruitment Specialists